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Most international students wanting to study in Australia require a student Officer will ask to see your completed Incoming Passenger Card (given to you corporations and institutions in the Australian tourism, surface transport and aviation sectors. Requirement to complete paper Incoming Passenger Card.Are you bringing into Australia: 1. Goods that may be prohibited or subject to restrictions, such as medicines, steroids, illegal pornography, firearms, Overseas Arrivals and Departures (OAD) data refers to the arrival and departure of which have been recorded on incoming or outgoing passenger cards. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2018. Notification of incorrect on a passenger card; or If your visa is cancelled and you are in Australia, you will. Use our online PDF forms to make a visa application for a visa. Advance passenger processing infringement Request for extension of payment datePress Fill out, securely sign, print or email your passenger card australua pdf Open the australian customs declaration form pdf and follow the instructions. Sample PDF file for the Australia Incoming Passenger Card front and back sides. Also, link to the official Australian Govt Border Security website.
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