Anaesthesia journal author guidelines
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bja submission guidelines
british journal of anaesthesia
bja impact factor 2020
european journal of anaesthesiology
anaesthesia journal impact factor
anaesthesia reports
Science letters should be up to 800 words, include no more than 8 references, include no more than one table and one figure, and have no more than 5 authors. ' The journal title should be written out in full and in italics, followed by a semi-colon then a space followed by the edition number in bold (no sub-edition The highest ranking (Impact Factor: 7.067) among anesthesiology journals · Enhanced publication services: Average time to first decision <4 weeks; No page Authors who publish in Bentham OPEN Journals retain copyright to their work. It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to this journal have Articles that are not submitted in accordance with our instructions and guidelines are more likely to be rejected. Manuscript Submission. Clicking on the The BJA will also consider guidelines and position papers for publication. Authors interested in publishing such items should contact the Editor-in-Chief Manuscript Submission Guidelines: Please read the guidelines provided in the links below, then visit the Journal's submission site at mc.If the author counts are in excess of the guidelines, or added later on by the corresponding author after initial submission without consent of Editor in Chief
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