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Booklets, Manuals & Pamphlets. Grid view List view Table view 143) WW2 British Army Prayer Book & Remembrance Day Service Sheet. No rating. Manuals & Guides Below you'll find excellent reprints of WW2 British manuals, guides, and ID cards. The perfect attention to detail to add to your reenactment Some of the material was not declassified until October, 2003. Among the 126 field manual titles are: Army Air Force Field Manual: Tactics and Technique of AirIssued at the beginning of the Second World War, this British manual this training pamphlet was distributed before the British or Canadian army had much Buy british army manual products and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! WW2 Bailey Bridge British Army manual, Royal Engineers. The British Army manual for the Bailey Bridge complete with all fold-out plans and diagrams. Bridging was a constant problem for all ground forces, A catalog of military manuals and sources published from 1939-1945. "Infantry Training, Part I: The Infantry Battalion", British Army, 1944 Training and instruction manuals are the nuts and bolts of evey soldiers' BRITISH MUNITIONS 1944 Recognition and Disposal (For Bomb Safety Officers). Object associations · Associated places. Great Britain · UK · Associated subjects. subject bibliographies · training, army · army training in general
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